5 Edison Crescent, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe
0242 756931- 8


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Contact us

For inquiries, support, or to learn more about our comprehensive range of products and services, please reach out to us via the contact information below or fill out the form below. We look forward to assisting you!

Sales / 0242 756931-8

Monday to Thursday: 8am – 5PM CAT

Friday: 8am – 4pm CAT

Support / 0242 756931-8

Monday to Thursday: 8am – 5PM CAT

Friday: 8am – 4pm CAT

Our Locations

Harare Head Office
  • Tel: 0242 756931- 8
  • Nashua House, 5 Edison Crescent, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe
Bulawayo Office